empathetic comments ...
what would you do?.
empathetic comments ...
a "ya-but" is a disrespectful individual who attempts to destroy self-confidence and raise doubts in the minds of others.
a "ya-but" has no intention of accepting alternative conclusions or even assigning merit to well thought out ideas made by those to whom they are speaking.
the "ya" part is not a recognition of alternative understanding but rather a dishonest segway for attack.
A "ya-but" is a disrespectful individual who attempts to destroy self-confidence and raise doubts in the minds of others. A "ya-but" has no intention of accepting alternative conclusions or even assigning merit to well thought out ideas made by those to whom they are speaking. The "ya" part is not a recognition of alternative understanding but rather a dishonest segway for attack. A "yabut" can not be enlightened.
An example of a "ya-but" is found in the Bible. Satan was a "ya-but" when he suggested to Eve: "ya-but if you eat the fruit you will be like God ... " If you can believe the account, it apparently worked!
Jehovah's Witnesses are notoriously "ya-buts." Make a valid point during a discussion and it will be kicked in a corner by diverting the conversation. Listening to "ya-buts" over time can cause confusion and low self-esteem. How much better to communicate with an "I-see"
in response to this thread, i must point out that there are homely female jws aplenty who hook up with ok looking or even good looking men.. well i'm not wrong, am i?
I'll give you the punchline ... those who have heard the joke will get it:
"all I did was step on some stupid duck"
human interaction today too often seems to feature either playing the role of "offender" or "offended.
"most parties involved in an altercation plead "not guilty" regardless of the evidence.. but are there times when a simple unconditional "i'm sorry" might prevent a harmless spark from becoming a raging inferno?.
i pesonally have offended people hundreds of times during my life and have been offended to the same extent.
Perry, perhaps I lacked clarity in my initial posting.
I am sorry when pain results from interaction. But having regret does not, in my mind, assign or accept blame.
For instance, my Mother expresses grief at my choosing to leave the organization: I am sorry about that. It doesn't mean I am wrong ... it only means that I wish there were a better way for it to "play out." I also wish that as I face the trauma of separation that others would be saddened at what I am going through, not lamenting how it makes them feel etc.
I guess I am talking about a "no fault" exppession of empathy. It's not about pointing fingres.
And my second posting was my attempt at humor!
human interaction today too often seems to feature either playing the role of "offender" or "offended.
"most parties involved in an altercation plead "not guilty" regardless of the evidence.. but are there times when a simple unconditional "i'm sorry" might prevent a harmless spark from becoming a raging inferno?.
i pesonally have offended people hundreds of times during my life and have been offended to the same extent.
There seems to be little interest in this topic:
about two weeks ago i was having lunch at an establishment that has tables set up on the outside (actually a sidewalk) and as i was waiting for my order, i overheard two guys talking at the next table.
a homely guy who had a pretty girl on his arm brought this response.
"wow man, look at that!
Over time, the pretty "looker" can become ugly "inside" and then the ugly guy will look again ... for someone on the "outside"!
maybe eventually the wts will adapt and change and try to go mainstream.. as 'new shite' shines brightly then;.
maybe eventually celebrating birthdays and even christmas will be 'allowed' without too many repercussions.. maybe eventually the 'blood' issue will fade away and 'brothers' wil be allowed the whole lot of fractions together at the same time.. maybe eventually disfellowshipping and particularly shunning will be seen as unloving and done away with.. personally i would rather this wouldn't happen.. i would prefer to see the wts collapse in the mire even with all the emotional fallout there would be to those still in having their crutches pulled away from them.. i don't want the wts to modify and adapt and go more gentle on the rank and file.. i want them to get more harsh with the brothers.. i want it to go down, not along.. am i being too cruel to those still in?.
would the more loving caring attitude be to hope that the wts changes for the better?.
Thomas:I believe that most mainstream religions started as cults and then evolved or disappeared ... and it's all about sex!
The Shakers, for instance did not allow children and have all but vanished.The Mayan tribes were too busy away at war to be home making babies and they remain only as a splinter.
Now to your question. In increasing numbers JWs are choosing not to have children. Sex is still treated as the forbidden fruit. Since religious growth is primarily from within, it would seem to me that should the current trend continue, the WBTS will be recorded in history as only a footnote.
last year we had a "sheperding visit" by two elders (one is aged 45, another one 28).
the older one is ... how to say it politicaly correct .... is not very smart guy.... the older one wanted to stress the importance of being close to jah.
so he he mentioned he is sometimes under demons atacks, they visit his apartment, turn on the light, and the other day ... imagine ... he was lying in bed, and the demon had come and laid on him, so the poor elder couldnt even breathe ... only calling upon jahs name did save him!
It worked ... this elder probably would have been a no-count in life unless he made up some unbelievable story. Sort of like Richard Reid , the shoe bomber. That ex-con would have lived and died without notice. Now, he is in history books for trying to lead innocent victims to their death.
jehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
Stable??? If you get married and tied down before you're done sowing your wild Oats will probably lead to Horsing around
Time is the space between birth ... and death .